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The Word is breath, that is, life. The Word is also God and Jesus. Therefore, we must keep the Word of God brightly in our hearts. Let us go into the Word.

Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji (New Heaven New Earth)

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Equipped! Advanced Theology Training for Leaders.

The UK Equipped Bible Training Course was developed by Shincheonji (New Heaven New Earth) Church of Jesus, an international church which started in Korea, and that has been witnessing miraculous growth and revival for the past 40 years since it’s foundation.

We believe in the importance of becoming one together with other believers, pastors and churches in accordance with the prayer of Jesus in John 17.  Within our global network, we have been facilitating Bible training courses both for congregation members and for pastors and church leaders, to equip them with the spiritual and Biblical expertise and understanding so that all leaders can serve God and strengthen their their congregation and communities.


Course History

Course History

The content of this course has been taught to believers around the world for over 30 years, with course content becoming accessible to participants in the UK over recent years.  

In 2019 103,764 students studied and graduated in a single year. This has been increasing year on year. In 2022 106,186 and in 2023 another 108,084 students graduated! 

Pastors globally have been signing up for the pastor theology courses and have expressed great passion in what they have learnt and how they are spreading the word of God to grow their congregation and ignite a revival in their communities.

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The Benefits of Studying on This Course

The aim of the course is to launch and encourage Christian leaders and pastors worldwide with deep biblical knowledge, strong and empowered ministry and teaching skills, and a passion for spreading the word of God to grow God’s church and ignite a revival

Each pastor is encouraged to teach and strengthen their church and community with God’s true teaching upon completion.

✔️ Be Equipped with understanding on New Testament prophecies and Revelation to teach to congregation members

✔️ Understanding the full context of Bible from Genesis to Revelation and be able to answer difficult questions 


✔️ Experience revival in church and community.

Course Structure 


Phase 1
3 months (approx)

Understanding all the Parables in the Bible and Revelation 


Why did Jesus speak in parables?  


Understanding God’s will contained in the New Testament prophecies


Understanding the times we are living in today


Phase 2
1 month (approx)

Understanding the process and order of how God works to fulfil prophecy

Prophecies of the old testament and fulfilment of them (1st coming)

How the history of the Bible pertains to the believers today

Understanding prophecies in Matthew 24 & 25 



Phase 3
2 months (approx)

God’s plan to give Revelation to the world.

Unlocking the figurative language and the 3 mysteries in the book of Revelation

The book sealed with 7 seals and the opening of the seals

the 3 Plagues and wars that take place in Revelation

The 7th Trumpet and the Kingdom of God being established

Who can enrol?

To qualify for the course each participant is expected to complete six preliminary 1:1 lessons with one of the course instructors.

These lessons will allow everyone to begin the course on the same page of understanding though they come from different backgrounds of faith, denominations, and level of training.

The duration of each class ranges from 1-1.5hrs.

The classes will be comprised of
prayer, followed by the main lecture, and a time to review and answer any pressing questions at the end.

The course will be delivered either in small groups or on an individual basis and generally consists of two lessons per week and additional individual tutorials.

Witness the miracle of the 100,000 graduation in 2023
of pastors and students who studied on this course from around the world!

Statement to Faith

Our Standard: The Bible 

We believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit of Truth and the Bible; both the Old and New Testaments in their original writings as fully inspired by God and we accept them as the final authority for faith according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17.


We believe that God is the Word according to John 1:1 and we believe in eternal life, in the one true God, and in him whom God sent - Jesus Christ, his Son (John 17:3).


We believe that God created mankind in His own image according to Genesis 1:26-28, that mankind sinned and the result of sin is death (Romans 5:12). We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies according to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.


We believe in Jesus’ return and in the new covenant that Jesus established in his blood 2,000 years ago, according to Luke 22:14-20.


We believe that God's purpose in making a promise is so that we believe when it is fulfilled and the reality appears, according to Isaiah 14:24 and John 14:29, and that the way God accomplishes His work is through making a prophecy (promise) and then fulfilling it.


According to 1 Timothy 2:3-4 we believe that it is the will of God that all people would be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (God’s word) and it is the will of God for believers to spread this good news of hope and truth.


We believe that the Word of God (the Bible) should be taught free of cost, according to Revelation 21: 6, and as the Lord Jesus also urged us to do (Matthew 10:7-8).


Therefore our foundation, standard, faith and teaching is the Word of God: the Bible.

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